Innovation Stipend Program
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting proposals for the City’s new Innovation Stipend Program. The City of New Orleans Innovation Stipend Program offers additional payment of up to $2,000 to City employees whose applications have been accepted for coming up with innovative ideas that help the City save money or improve performance. The purpose of this program is to promote efficiency, deliver better results to residents, and reward employees for going above and beyond their day-to-day duties.

Employees in all classifications are eligible to participate, given their duties do not already include improving cost-effectiveness. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly. The CAO’s Innovation Working Group will assess proposals based on potential for cost savings, performance improvement, and ability to scale.

To apply, complete and submit the following form.
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Name *
Email *
Phone *
Department *
Job Title *
Job Classification *
Job Duties *
Supervisor's Name *
Supervisor's Email *
Supervisor's Phone *
Regular work schedule *
Hours worked per week *
1. Please provide an overview of your project proposal (recommended 100 words) *
2. Please tell us what problem your idea is trying to solve or what opportunity you see. (recommended 250 words) *
3. How would you measure the cost savings or performance impact of implementing this project? What would you estimate the savings to be? How did you come up with that estimate? (recommended 250 words) *
4. If this project is successful, how could it be expanded within the department or scaled to other City departments or agencies? (recommended 250 words) *
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