ECHO Carnival of Hockey registration
You are invited to the 2019 Carnival of Hockey!

Saturday 16th March 2019
Juniors: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Seniors:  1:00pm - 4:00pm
Koonung SC Mont Albert North

The afternoon includes:
 - 'Come n' Try Hockey" session for beginners
 - Women's round robin matches
 - Men's round robin matches
 - Mixed round robin matches
 - Traditional shoot out - Prizes to be awarded
 - BBQ from 1:00pm on-wards
 - Junior Under 12s and Under 14s round robin

Please ensure that you RSVP as this will guide catering and selection of teams.

Any questions, please direct them to:
Men's - Tom Wentworth (
Women's - Elaine Chan ( )
Juniors - Ben Hare (
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Your Name: *
Will you be attending ECHO Carnival of Hockey? *
Which part of the day are you registering for? *
ECHO Day is partly for team selection try outs.  Please contact Tom Wentworth or Nat Oglesby if you can only attend part of the sessions.
If you are new to ECHO what is your email address?
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