PSPA Print Newspaper / News Magazine Critique Entry
REMEMBER: The new deadline for critiques in this category is JUNE 30.

Please note that you must be logged into a Google account and have a Gmail address in order to upload your files to this critique entry form. If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please contact PSPA Print Newspaper/News Magazine Critique Coordinator, Kate Plows, at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name of Newspaper / News Magazine: *
School Name: *
School Street Address: *
School City/Town: *
School Zip Code: *
Name(s) of Student Editor(s) or Editor(s)-in-Chief: *
If the publication has more than one student editor, please list both/all names.
Email(s) of Student Editor(s) or Editor(s)-in-Chief: *
If the publication has more than one student editor, please list both/all emails.
Name(s) of Adviser(s): *
If the publication has more than one adviser, please list both/all names.
Email(s) of Adviser(s): *
If the publication has more than one adviser, please list both/all emails. Please use at least one email that someone will check regularly during summer.
Adviser Contact Phone: *
Please share a phone number where we can reach you during the summer.
Size of enrollled student body at your school: *
Is this newspaper / news magazine a class or an extracurricular activity? *
Please describe any factors you think that judges should know about your program when evaluating your newspaper. *
Link to one issue of your newspaper / news magazine PDF from the FIRST SEMESTER of the school year. *
IMPORTANT: If file is stored in Google Drive, share your link (see below), and make sure it is public, so "Anyone with the link can view" BEFORE submitting.
Link to one issue of your newspaper / news magazine PDF from the SECOND SEMESTER of the school year. *
IMPORTANT: If file is stored in Google Drive, share your link (see below), and make sure it is public, so "Anyone with the link can view" BEFORE submitting.
Please list the account handles/addresses for any social media accounts associated with this website.
Preferred method of payment: *
A reminder that PSPA will not issue completed critiques or results until your critique fee has been paid in full.
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