Class Schedule Survey
As we continue to grow our community, we would like your input to help us create the most effective class schedule. The goal is to create a schedule that supports attendance by you and other interested people throughout the week. Please complete the survey and share it with others who you think would like to attend classes. It is not required to include your contact information, but if you do we will send you class schedule information once it is finalized. Peace, Joy, and Love!
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What time frame best fits your schedule to attend a 60 minute class? (Please select all that apply)
From the ones you selected above please select the best time frame for you to attend class. (Please select only ONE)
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We will be offering a variety of class types with most of our classes being a blend of modalities that focus on health and fitness and connecting the mind and body in wellness.  Please select the modalities you are most interested in having included as part of class. (Select all that apply.)
Thank you for taking the time to provide us this valuable feedback.  Please submit this form below.  If you would like to be included in our mailing list and receive our class schedule when finalized include your contact information below.
Name (First Name and Last Name)
Email Address
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