Rabbit Adoption Application
Please fill out a questionnaire below and we will contact you with more information.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Address *
City/State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Are you 18 years or older *
Who will be the primary caretaker of the rabbit? *
Please tell us about why you want to adopt a rabbit:
Is there a specific rabbit you are interested in? *
Why do you want to adopt a rabbit? *
How long do you think you will have this rabbit?

How much time do you plan to spend with the rabbit?

How many rabbits do you currently have?

If you don’t currently have a rabbit, have you owned any in the past? *
Housing and living arrangements:
Do you currently own, rent, or lease your home? *
How many adults live in the home? *
How many children live in the home? *
What would you do about your rabbit if you suddenly learned you had to move somewhere that did not allow rabbits? *
Under what circumstances would you give up your rabbit? Examples: New job, school or hobby, new roommate or partner who is allergic, starting a family or needing to relocate? *
As a Responsible Rabbit Owner:
Where will the rabbit stay during the day? Describe. *
Where will the rabbit stay at night? Describe. *
What will you feed your rabbit? (In detail, provide brand and types) *
What veterinarian will you provide for your rabbit? Provide vet name and number. *
I am aware that vet bills for rabbits are similar to those dogs and cats with exams starting at  $55+ and treatment, including diagnostics and medicine, can add up quickly.
I will provide my rabbit with good care, including making sure my rabbit has appropriate food, water, shelter, veterinary care, indoor-only exercise, toys and attention.
I understand that it is never recommended to leave my rabbit unsupervised with children under 10. I will ensure that any child properly handles the rabbit.
I have considered the time and financial demands of having a rabbit.  I understand that caring for a rabbit can cost approximately $40 a month and that I need to set aside time each day to care for rabbit to keep her/him healthy and happy.
I understand that rabbits are intelligent animals who require a minimum of 3-4 hours a day of free roam time to socialize with their family. I will make my rabbit an important part of my life and family.
I agree to return the rabbit if it ever needs rehomed under any circumstances. *
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