AGG NorCal Registration Form
PLEASE EMAIL prior to filling this form. 😊

Details of the classes and prices are on the website

Payment options:
PayPal to AGG NorCal (, QR code below) or pay with a check/cash. 

Address: All classes and privates (except Mon stretching class) will be held at Diana’s Rhythmic Club/689 Quinn Ave, San Jose. Stretch class is held at NCDA/ 1939 Monterey Rd, San Jose.

Any questions can be emailed to
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Email *
Full name of the child *
Child birthdate *
Full name of parent 1 *
Parent 1 phone number *
Full name and contact info of parent 2
Registering for the following class(es) *
Any known medical conditions, allergies, or injuries *
Anything else we should know about?
Do you agree with our Liability Waiver and Terms of Condition? (required for attendance)

Agg NorCal Liability Waiver

I, as the parent or legal guardian of the participant, do hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate in activities related to Agg NorCal.

I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury as a result of participating in the activities associated with this program.

I hereby fully release and discharge Agg Norcal, its owners, employees, and associated personnel, including the owners of the facilities utilized for the programs, from any and all claims from injuries, including serious injuries, damage, or loss which I or my child may have or which may occur on account of participation in the programs.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above agreement.

Do you give permission for us to use the photos taken during class for business purposes, including but not limited to promotional materials and social media posts, for Agg NorCal? *
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