Education Session Enquiry
Kia Ora, 

Thank you inquiring about a Facilitated Education Session with Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne. Please fill out the following information, including the potential dates and times you wish to visit us. We will be back in touch to confirm your session. 

Ngā mihi,
Zealandia Education Team
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Date: Please provide a few date options for your potential visit *
Please provide at least one date, or ideally 3 dates for your potential visit. This will reduce the correspondence required by our two teams, we are busy scheduling lots of programmes in and may not be able to accommodate your group on your preferable date. Giving us a few options hopefully means we can fit you in on a day that suits. 
Please click the box/boxes that would suit for your session time
Note: Below are our regular session times. If you need another session time due to travelling etc please click other and we can discuss further. 
Which Zealandia Facilitated session where you inquiring about booking?
Sessions and descriptions can be found on the Zealandia Education website (
Total number of Adults
Please note that any adults above the required ratio for the given year group will be charged standard admission fee of $24.00 (ECE= 1:2, Primary, Intermediate, and Secondary =1:4)
Total number of Students
Please note we can only hold up to 60 primary and secondary students a time due to space and staffing constraints, and 35 ECE ākonga.
Your name *
Email *
Email for invoice (if different from the email address provided above)
Trip leader phone number
Phone number
School name
Yr Level *
The Students are
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The Students are
Please tick, as this may help us when rostering ZEALANDIA Educators on for your session.
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Behavioural/Medical notes
Provide information about group members with special consideration - health issues, behaviour support need, allergies. Includes students and adults
Lunch Space needed?
Will you need us to book a space for you where you can eat your own packed lunch? (subject to availability)
Clear selection
Curriculum links
Are your visit Learning Objectives linked to any specific areas in the curriculum? (Te Whāriki, NZ Curriculum, or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa)
Session details
Is there anything in particular that you'd like us to cover during your visit?
Arrival Time *
If possible, please arrive ~10 min before the start of your session
Departure Time *
You are able to stay 30-45 min before or after your half-day session for lunch on site. If staying longer, please add the self-guided visit option
Notes about transport and logistics
Please provide details about your journey to and from ZEALANDIA and if there are any special considerations e.g. timings that we need to be aware of.
Any extra notes?
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