Incoming 8th Grade - Course Selection Form
Please complete the following survey to allow us to create your schedule for the 2024-25 School Year.
Student Legal Last Name *
Student Legal First Name *
Besides Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science and PE/Health, you are able to choose one period of your day.  IF you are interested in a year-long course, please choose one... *
IF you are not interested in a year-long course, please choose 4 quarter classes below. (We will do our best to schedule these choices.) *
Early Bird PE/Health:  There is a possibility that students could take both a full year elective and quarter/semester electives by taking Early Bird.  Due to the early start time (approximately 7:15am), you must have your own transportation as busing is not an option.  If you are interested in doing early bird, please answer yes. *
It is important that you discuss your class choices with your parent/guardian before you submit this form.  Does your parent/guardian approve of the choices you have made on this form? *
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