WATERSCAPES series | Water management in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt: a knowledge from below approach 
14 May 2024, 11 AM CEST
Ca' Bottacin, Main Hall, Venice

Speaker: Serfina Cuomo (Durham University)

Egypt was, in Herodotos’ words, the gift of the Nile. Managing the river’s water supply was one of the most important, and energy- and time-consuming, administrative tasks of the Egyptian government, from Pharaonic well into medieval times and beyond. My talk will look at some papyrological evidence from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods to explore the question, whose knowledge was in play when dykes and canals needed to be built, maintained, and repaired? The talk aims to be a contribution to the growing field of historiography of knowledge from below, particularly in the context of managing and modifying the environment.

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WATERSCAPES series | Water management in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt: a knowledge from below approach, which will take place in Venice on 14/05/2024 in Ca' Bottacin Venice. The processing in question entails the collection of the following personal data: name, surname, email address, organisation.
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