Loop Sessions Brisbane #3
The Brisbane Loop Sessions are intended to provide an opportunity for music producers to connect, collaborate and showcase their skills, with the benefit of time restrictions and a common starting point.
 [ -venue & date to be announced -]
Participant numbers are limited, so please apply below and we'll be in touch!

[note to previous participants: please add email & instagram links, you can skip the rest though if you like...⏩💙⏪]

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
Instagram link
Have you participated in Brisbane Loop Sessions previously? *
Soundcloud or link/s to your music online (original tracks, no DJ sets please) (Please post the full URL so we can find your stuff 👍)
Hardware (what would you bring? Any special requirements re: space/power etc?)
Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in Loop Sessions Brisbane. Look forward to hearing some interesting fresh Brisbane sounds! =)
Be sure to check out previous Brisbane Loop Sessions at https://www.instagram.com/loopsessionsbrisbane/ and let any producer friends know about our community! 🎧💙👍
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