NWAS - Free Open Gym
Details:  We got extra gym space which means FREE OPEN GYM for you!! Structure will be 15 minutes of warm ups including some drills and then 6v6 game play.  

Cost: FREE 1.5 hours of playing time!
Date: Sept 6th, 2024
Location: Heritage High School 7825 NE 130th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98682 (upstairs gym)

5th - 8th Graders:  6:00 - 7:30pm (24 athletes max)

9th - 12th Graders 7:30 - 9:00pm (24 athletes max)
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NWAS Volleyball Club Program Liability Waiver

I, hereby acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the NWAS Volleyball Club Program. I understand that participating in this program involves certain risks and hazards, including but not limited to, injury from slips, falls, collisions, and other accidents that may occur while playing volleyball on the Grass, Sand, Indoor/Outdoor or in other related activities.

I hereby agree to assume all risks associated with my participation in the NWAS Volleyball Club  Program and release NWAS Volleyball Club, its officers, directors, employees, coaches, volunteers, and agents from any and all liability arising from my participation in this program.

I acknowledge that I have been informed of the nature of the activities involved in the NWAS Volleyball Club Program and the risks and hazards associated with those activities. I understand that the risks and hazards of participating in this program cannot be eliminated completely, and I accept those risks and hazards as a condition of my participation.

In addition, as the parent or legal guardian of the participant named above, I hereby consent to their participation in the NWAS Volleyball Club  Program. I acknowledge that I have been informed of the nature of the activities involved in the program and the risks and hazards associated with those activities. I understand that the risks and hazards of participating in this program cannot be eliminated completely, and I accept those risks and hazards as a condition of my child's participation.

I also understand that I am responsible for any and all medical expenses that may be incurred as a result of any injury or illness sustained by the participant during the NWAS Volleyball Club  Program.

By agreeing below, I certify that I have read this Liability Waiver and Parental Consent Form, understand its contents, and agree to its terms.

Parent's First and Last Name *
Parent's Phone Number  (17yr and under) *
Parent's Email (17yr and under) *
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