Pathfinder Country Day Camp 2025 Staff Application
Pathfinder's Online Staff Application for 2025
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Email *
Are you a New or Returning Staff? *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Cell Phone Number: *
Gender: *
Age: *
Date of Birth: Day/Month/Year *
Social Security Number: Needed for Payroll *
What positions are you interested in? Please choose two. *
Preferred Ages to Work With *
Level of Education Fall 2025 *
Winter Address: Needed for sending 2025 Tax Information 1099’s &  W2’s, End of Summer Tips *
House #, Street Name,  Apt #, City, State, Zip Code   or    P.O. Box #,  City, State, Zip Code
How did you hear about Pathfinder? Name of person who referred you? *
Pathfinder does not provide summer housing. Where will you be living Summer 2025?  Home Owner Name/Address/Cell Phone/ Email Address Required. *
Are any friends employed at Pathfinder? If yes, name of friend. *
Availability: Pathfinder will operate for 9 weeks. Camp begins June 23rd- August 22rd, 2025. *
Specific Dates Available To Work *
Dates not available to work.
Staff Orientation is June 14th, 2025 @ 9am.
The orientation is mandatory. Are you available for the orientation?
If no, Why?
Nancy and Gary Burns are the Directors at Pathfinder. The Pathfinder Staff must communicates directly with the directors. The directors do not communicate with Staff Parents. This includes emails and phone calls. Do you agree to communicate directly with the directors, Nancy and Gary Burns.
This is mandatory for employment.
It is important to have credible and experienced staff.
In the camping business many activities are conducted every day and staff is required to be very involved. The directors and camper parents expect the staff to be diligent watching the children and keeping them safe. Safety is essential. Cell phone use is prohibited at camp. Breaking this commitment is cause for immediate dismissal. Cell phones are not allowed at Pathfinder!
What contributions can you make to ensure the children are safe with you as their counselor? *
Do you have previous background or training working with children? If yes, please explain. *
List five (5) strengths you will demonstrate working with children: Please be specific* *
Following Rules: How well do you follow rules and respond to authority? *
In a few sentences describe your personality. What would others say about you?  *
*List 2 previous employers including their emails.
*It is required to have 2 letters of reference either from a teacher or employer. 
Please email the letters separately to Nancy Burns 
email address:

Salary is based on age, work experience and years employed at Pathfinder.  It is required to complete the staff application to discuss 2025 salary.
Please email after the application is completed. The application will be reviewed by Nancy Burns. Applicants will receive an email to discuss salary and set up interview in late spring.
Criminal Record or Harassment Charges: Have you ever been convicted of a crime, other than a minor traffic offense?  Harassment: The camp policy prohibits all forms of harassment by employees including sexual, racial, religious, etc. Ever been accused of harassment by any person? The type of conviction criminal or harassment, when it occurred will be evaluated before any decision is made for employment.  Yes or No. If yes, please explain.                   *
Agreement: I understand the staff agreement, including my obligations as a staff member at Pathfinder Country Day Camp. I agree to the importance of attending the staff orientation, I am committed to not using cell phones at camp. I understand and authorize investigation of all statements herein, including checks of criminal records and a background check for employment. I understand that, if employed, I will be an at-will employee unless there is an agreement or law which alters that status. I understand that any agreement must be in writing and signed by the designated camp official. I also understand that any untrue, misleading or omitted information herein or other documents completed by the applicant (my self) may result in dismissal, regardless of time of discovery by camp. My goal at Pathfinder is to serve the camp and interests of the children to the best of my ability. I agree I may be dismissed from my duties at anytime if the Directors feel I am not working to the best of my ability. I agree to the above terms, understanding all conditions, upon signing this agreement.               *
Staff under 18 years of age must have Parent or Guardian review this staff application and approve *
Approved by Parent/Guardian of underage applicant
Name of Parent/Guardian & Email address
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