Ward 10 Forum: Supporting Student Learning and Literacy | FSLCAC Election: Confirm Attendance | Register to Vote | Declare Your Candidacy

Trustee Deborah Williams, Ward 10 University-Rosedale and Toronto Centre 

DATE: Thursday, November 21, 2024
TIME: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
LOCATION: Jarvis Collegiate Institute, 495 Jarvis Street, Toronto, M4Y 2G8 (Jarvis St and Wellesley St E area)

UPDATE: The election of Ward 10 Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) Co-Representative - 1 Position, will not take place on November 21, 2024. At the PIAC meeting on November 19, 2024, a motion was not heard to declare one vacant PIAC Co-Representative position in Ward 7, Ward 9, Ward 10, Ward 15, and Ward 22. The current Ward 10 PIAC Co-Reps' two-year term expires February 2025. Elections for Ward 10 Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) Co-Representative - 2 Positions, are scheduled to take place at the Ward 10 Forum on February 27, 2025 (location to be confirmed).

We are seeking the candidates for the following position(s):
   *    Ward 10 French as a Second Language Community Advisory Committee (FSLCAC) Alternate Representative - 1 Position

the Trustee's page

List of TDSB Wards

For any questions, please reach out to Christy Heath at Christy.Heath@tdsb.on.ca.

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Your Name *
IMPORTANT: If you will be voting AND/OR declaring your candidacy, make sure to enter your legal full name, as provided to your child's school.
Your Role *
Select all that apply.
Your Community School/Home School/Child's School Name *
IMPORTANT: If you will be voting AND/OR declaring your candidacy, make sure to select your child's school name.
If your child goes to a school outside this ward, please provide the school's name.
Leave blank if you selected a school from the ward schools list above, or if this doesn't apply to you.
Please describe any accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in this meeting. For example, "I require an interpreter. The language is Mandarin."
Leave blank if you don't need any accommodations.
If you require childcare, how many children and how old are they? 
Leave blank if you don't need childcare.
If you have any dietary restrictions, what are your preferences/allergies? 
Leave blank if you don't have any dietary restrictions.
Do you plan to vote in this election AND/OR declare your candidacy for a position?
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