Admissions Enquiry Form
Selecting a school for your child is an important task as it lays the foundation for the rest of your child’s future. Keeping this in mind, we at Presidency, have designed our admission procedures to help you understand how you are making the right choice for your child’s education and future by choosing Presidency and its high academic standards.

Please fill this form so that one of our executives will get in touch to give you further details about the admission process.
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Email *
Child Name *
Admission seeking for Class *
Date of Birth of the child *
Child's Aadhar Number *
Father's Name *
Father's Mobile Number *
Father's Occupation *
Mother's Name *
Mother's Mobile Number *
Mother's Occupation *
Previous School *
Referred by (if any)
Does the child has a sibling studying at Presidency? *
I allow all communication from Presidency High School *
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