Maui Disaster Response and Recovery Support
Thank you everyone for helping your community during this heartbreaking time. In the wake of disaster we know that everyone wants to help but often times there is an overwhelm of information so we are working on streamlining everything into one place. Maui Rapid Response is a collective disaster response organization made up of individuals from Maui-Mutual-Aid, Maui-Strong, and a number of nonprofit and direct-aid organizations. Working in coordination with county and state officials, Maui Rapid Response is a trusted entity dedicated to supporting Maui County citizen groups in crisis.  This form has been created to help us to effectively match needs to the overwhelming influx of offers that are coming in on the islands and beyond. For those of you who lost homes we may be needing to share information here with other nonprofits, FEMA, County, State agencies and those who can provide direct-aid. We will not make any of your information public and will ask for a ROI (Release of Information) before information is shared with anyone else. Thank you for showing up in such a big way. For those of you who have lost your homes and businesses and loved ones- we are here for you and please know that you are not alone. 
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