FCC Chairman Visit: Public Q&A
The University is pleased to announce that on September 18th it will host Chairman Ajit Pai, head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a "Fireside Chat" at the Nebraska Union. Chairman Pai has led the FCC since 2017, and previously served as a Commissioner for the FCC since 2012. In these capacities, he has helped to shape all aspects of federal communications policies, from efforts to shrink the digital divide, to fostering deployment of next generation wireless technologies, fighting robocalls, freeing spectrum to support next-generation technologies such as precision agriculture and satellite-based Internet access, modernizing media ownership rules, updating public safety technologies (e.g., to allow you to text to 911, and for 911 operators to access location information) -- and, yes, net neutrality.

The fireside chat will start with a discussion between Chairman Pai and College of Law Professor Gus Hurwitz, before opening to questions from and discussion with the audience.

This event is open to all UNL students as well as the broader University and Lincoln community. Space for this event is limited. Pre-registration is required and will be open until we run out of space.

September 18, 3:30pm, City Campus Nebraska Union

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