Towards Stronger Peripheries: New Coalitions and Policies of Solidarity

(na srpskom jeziku niže)

The Faculty of Dramatic Arts is hosting an international conference set to take place at the Yugoslav Film Archive (Jugoslovenska Kinoteka) in Belgrade from May 28th to May 30th, and in Belgrade Youth Centre on the May 31st, 2024.

The performance "Circle" by Neja Tomšić and Nonument Group will be presented on Tuesday May 28th at 7.30 pm in the Cultural Centre Magacin.

We kindly request your prompt registration, no later than May 24th, to allow our organizing team to prepare everything successfully.

For detailed information about the program and schedule, please visit the Faculty of Dramatic Arts webpage: Stronger Peripheries: a Southern Coalition | FDU (

The conference is made possible with the support of the European Union through the "Creative Europe" program, as well as the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.

You are warmly invited to join us!


Međunarodna konferencija Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti se održava od 28. do 31. maja sa glavnim programom u Jugoslovenskoj kinoteci u Beogradu (28-30. maj) i programom poslednjeg dana u Domu omladine Beograda (31. maj). 

Performans Neje Tomšić i grupe Nonument "Circle" biće izveden u utorak 28. maja u 19.30 u Kulturnom centru Magacin.

Rok za registraciju učesnika je petak, 24. maj 2024. godine, ali vas molimo da se registrujete u što kraćem roku kako bismo sve organizovali što uspešnije.

Za sve informacije o programu konferencije pratite stranicu Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti:

Konferenciju su podržali Evropska unija kroz program "Kreativna Evropa", Ministarstvo kulture i Ministarstvo nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija Republike Srbije.

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Which days will you be attending the conference? / Kojih dana planirate da prisustvujete programu konferencije?
Are you interested to also attend the performance "Circle" by Slovenian artistic group Nonument and Neja Tomšič, co-produced within the Stronger Peripheries platform? 

It will be presented on Tuesday, May 28th starting at 7.30 pm in the Cultural Centre Magacin in Kraljevića Marka Street. For all participants of the conference, the entry to the performance is free.   / 

Da li ste zainteresovani da u sklopu konferencije posetite performans "Circle" slovenačke umetničke grupe Nonument i Neje Tomšič, nastao uz podršku platforme "Snažnije periferije"? 

Izvođenje je planirano za utorak, 28. maj u 19.30 u Kulturnom centru Magacin u Kraljevića Marka. Za sve učesnike konferencije ulaznice za performans biće obezbeđene.

Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition
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