Boston DSA Rose Buddy Program - sign up to get a mentor!
Welcome! The Rose Buddy program will pair you with a buddy who is veteran BDSA-er, and over the course of three months, will schedule regular calls with you to check in, make sure you get all your questions answered, and help you find a home within the many different activities of our chapter.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
What city/neighborhood are you in? *
Why are you interested in joining the Rose Buddy program, and what do you most hope to get out of it? *
True or false: I identify as a DSA member of color *and* would prefer having a Rose Buddy mentor of color if possible. *
True or false: I identify as queer *and* would prefer having a queer Rose Buddy if possible. *
What Working Group or Committee are you interested in being involved in? (We will use this information to match you with a rose buddy in one of the groups, if possible) *
Are you a DSA member? If not, please sign up to become a dues-paying member here: (You become a member of national DSA by paying dues, and that also makes you a member of the local Boston chapter!) *
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