Chorister Registration
The Cranbrook Choristers is the choir at Christ Church Cranbrook for young people ages 8-18.  We are excited to restart this wonderful opportunity!

Led by Director of Music Jonathan Ryan and assisted by Associate Director of Music Dr. Rudy de Vos, Choristers meet most Sundays following the 10:00 AM service from 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM.  This includes lunch, the chorister formation program, and rehearsal.  Choristers typically sing at the 10:00 service with a warm up beforehand once a month, and do not meet following the 10:00 service on those Sundays.  A full schedule is given after registration.

Any child in grades 3-5 can join regardless of musical background.  Young people in Middle School and particularly High School who are joining should have some musical or choral background, which can be discussed with Mr. Ryan.

We do not charge for being in Choristers.  However, we do ask parents to 1) contribute $30 (or what you can) a semester to provide lunch (a link will be emailed), and 2) rotate with other parents and church members in being a second adult in rehearsal an average of twice a semester so we can comply with Safe Church guidelines.

This is a outstanding opportunity for young people!  Choristers not only receive a high level of instruction and individualized attention, they benefit academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.  Our new formation program is custom-made and modeled on a very successful system of using music as a means for personal and spiritual growth.  Choristers typically develop strong friendships, deepen their faith, grow in their confidence, and often find after years of participation that their experience has been transformational!
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Email *
Name of child *
Name of parent(s)/guardian(s) *
Address *
Preferred phone number *
Child's birthday *
Does the child have any food allergies? *
Choristers sing for the Sunday 10:00 service, which is live webcast online.  Additionally, photos are sometimes taken for promo purposes.  Do you consent to have your child appear on the church's webcast, website, and social media? *
We keep a list of families and children in Choristers, and will share this with other choir families to enable contact and community-building (such as arranging times to get together, birthday parties, etc. outside of choir).  Do you consent to having your address, email, and phone shared with other choir families?
Has your child sung in a choir before? *
Does your child play any other musical instrument? *
Does your child read music? *
We typically work in small groups.  Is there anything we should know about your child, such as any learning challenges?
Can your child sing for our 10 AM service on Sunday, October 27?  Warm up begins at 9:00 AM. *
Can your child sing for our 10 AM service on Sunday, November 24?  Warm up begins at 9:00 AM. *
Can you child sing for our 5 PM Festival of Gifts service on Saturday, December 14?   Warm up begins at 4:00 PM.  (We don't meet the next day, Sunday, December 15). *
Can you child sing for our 4 PM Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday, December 24?   Warm up begins at 3:00 PM. *
Any other questions or comments? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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