Is There A Free SEO Plugin Audit Checker
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The Best WordPress Plugins for Search Engine Optimization for Your Website. You want to get your website found by potential customers, clients or patients. Or maybe you are an agency looking for the best intel on the newest options for improving your clients SEO. Our comprehensive, unsurpassed-in-detail plugin reviews and comparisons will ensure you make the right choice when selecting a WP SEO Plugin for your website.

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Where To Check If A Website Is Legit
Now that you have decided to start up your own blog, you need to know several important things before making a good beginning. You should know that purchasing your own domain name and hosting your blog on a paid server is crucial for your future success. No matter how important and valuable the information is in you blog, if your website url consists of your login name dot free blogging service name dot com then chances are your visitors will not treat your blog as serious enough.

After you've decided with the domain name and the hosting plan, next comes the blogging software which is not less important.

Here again, you are free to choose from the several blogging services but I definitely recommend WordPress. And not only me, if you search for the different peoples' opinions online, you'll surely see that the positive thoughts about WordPress prevail.

If you follow my advise and install WordPress then carry on reading this post. Because I'm going to talk about 10 important plugins for your WordPress blog that will definitely give you a good start. Just a quick note if you do not know what the WordPress plugin is. It is extra code written by the third parties and aimed for improving and enhancing your blog's functionality.

So, here come the list of my 10 recommended plugins. Make sure you install them as soon as you set up your WordPress blog.

1. AkismetThis is number one plugin for fighting SPAM in you blog comments. Almost every WordPress blog has Akismet installed and it proves to be effective. It constantly checks all your incoming comments and if there is SPAM then it simply gets filtered out. And you get the detailed report every time you go to your dashboard. Simple enough.

2. All in One SEO PackYou may probably know that SEO is very important for getting high ranks at the search engine and receiving quality traffic from the organic search results. All in One SEO Pack plugin does what the name says. It helps your blog SEO to be more search engine friendly with simple and easy set up. You do not need to know all the SEO tips and tricks.

3. Broken Link CheckerI find his plugin highly effective and important as it continuously checks all the links on your blog posts and if it finds a broken url, you get the report on you dashboard. This plugin checks not only the links to the websites, but also the images, video etc which are not hosted on your blog. This is quite effective if you use lots of images from the internet and suddenly one or two of them get removed from the hosted server.

4. FeedBurner FeedSmithThis plugin is quite simple and all that it does is forwarding your blog's original RSS feed to the feed burned by the FeedBurner. If you switch to FeedBurner as your feeder then this plugin is definitely for you.

5. Follow MePersonally I use this plugin as it is a powerful tool for branding yourself on the social networks. This plugin allows you to put your links for the popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, IMFaceplate etc. and places a fancy Follow me button either on the left or right side of you blog. When a visitor clicks on that button a small window pops up with all the buttons to your profile on the social networks. Give it a try as I find it quite valuable plugin for my blog.

6. Google XML SitemapsThis plugin also deals with the SEO of your blog. It automatically creates XML Sitemap of your blog structure and submits it to the popular search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. This is very important for ranking up high in the mentioned search engines.

7. IntenseDebateInstalling this plugin is totally up to you though I highly recommend implementing it on you blog. It handles all the comments in a professional way enabling the visitors to login, leave comments, rank other comments. It also has the functionality to add different plugins such as AddtoAny or SpellCheck.

8. SexyBookmarksNow, the title of this plugin may look a bit awkward, but in fact, this is one of the best sharing plugins. You get the configurable buttons for the social bookmarking on you blog. I highly recommend installing this plugin.

9. Top Commentators WidgetThis highly effective plugin helps to increase the number of comments to your blog posts. It places the widget with the top commentators on your sidebar motivating your visitors to leave the comments.

10. W3 Total CacheLast and one of the most important plugins is W3 Total Cache plugin. This is very powerful tool packed up with lots of functions to help you speed up your blog loading speed. Among the features are HTML, css, JavaScript optimizer, cache organizer etc.
Best SEO Tool For Wordpress
Best SEO Tool For Wordpress
Are SEO Website Audit Tools Free
If you're a search engine optimization professional, you know how important SEO tools are to your day-to-day optimization efforts. Keyword suggestion tools, inbound link analysis software and SERP checkers are vital to keyword research, keyword expansion, link building and monitoring your site's positional changes in the search results.
Free Site Audit Pro
The first thing that people ask me when they are thinking about developing a website/blog for their company/business is How do I get my website/blog to display on the first page of Google's search engine? Unfortunately there are no easy answers to this. To have a well ranked website is hard work and it takes time. You still need to market your website and let visitors know that your business is available on the World Wide Web.

The safest way to start off with your website/blog is to focus on content. I have a saying Content is king, the more information/articles you upload on your website/blog and the more this information is informative, the better change your website/blog will have to get the highest rank in Google's search engine.

Google gives priority to websites/blogs with informative, new and fresh content, they are starting to penalize websites/blogs with copied information and illegal tricks to get higher rankings. I'm sure that you've done some searches in Google's search engine and received indexes that are not relative to your search. This is what Google would like to prevent. If you search something, it must be more direct, it must be informative/fresh content that you can use and get the correct/trustworthy answers that you were looking for.

The more info/pages/posts you add to your website/blog, the more Google will index and you will have a better change to be more visible on the search engine. Imagine if you upload 1 - 5 new fresh content pages/posting per day, how many indexes will be available on Google's search engine after a year. Google sends out bots every day and index new information that you've uploaded to your website. Unfortunately websites with static pages and no new fresh content, will not rank very high.

A website with more informative text/articles/postings will rank much higher than a website with only images. Regular maintenance and updates on a website/blog will also have a positive influence on returning visits to your website/blog.

SEO tips:

1. WordPress must have plugins:

After you've built your website's structure, install all the WordPress must have plugins.

2. Keywords/Meta Tags:

Add strong Meta tags to your posts and pages. In my view you only need to add one strong 2 - 3 word long Meta tag to each page or post. These Meta tags should be appearing in your content. If you add Meta tags which doesn't appear in your content, Google will penalize your website. This is to avoid receiving unrelated content in Google's search engine while using keyword/meta tag searches. Also add your strong meta tags of all your posts/pages to the Basic SEO plugin under Keywords, dividing the keywords with a comma.

3. WordPress page/post titles:

Your page/post title is very important for Google indexes. Your title should be strong, relevant and descriptive of the specific post/page.

4. Website/Blog Tagline:

Add a short tagline description of your website, which will describe what your website/blog is all about, under Settings/General.

5. Meta description:

Write a strong Meta description, not more than 150 words, about the content of your website/blog and add it to the Basic SEO plugin, under description.

6. Broken links:

Make sure that all your website links are working and directing to the correct pages/posts/URLS. You can use the Link Checker plugin to make sure everything is working. It is a frustration to visitors clicking on a link and it's not working. This can influence visitors not to visit your site again.

7. Responsive website:

Make sure your website is responsive or mobile compatible, to provide visitors with the functionality to access your website through different desktop and mobile device sizes.
Free SEO Check Tool
Free SEO Check Tool
Near Conversion Rate Optimization Website Audit Tools
Now that you have decided to start up your own blog, you need to know several important things before making a good beginning. You should know that purchasing your own domain name and hosting your blog on a paid server is crucial for your future success. No matter how important and valuable the information is in you blog, if your website url consists of your login name dot free blogging service name dot com then chances are your visitors will not treat your blog as serious enough.
When To Use SEO
When To Use SEO
The Best SEO Audit Tools
One of the most dominant blog publishing and content management application up-to-date is WordPress, with over 25 million users across the globe. An open source CMS that is free of charge. Website owners and bloggers can conveniently visit the official WordPress website for free application and plugins downloads.

Fundamentally, WordPress started as a blog engine. Thanks to the diligence and skills of thousands of volunteers and coders who developed WordPress, users can now the application's features to chance a static unexciting page into a fully dynamic customized web page in just a couple of mouse clicks. That is the main reason why WordPress is gaining its fame among the millions of web designers, organizations and businesses throughout the world.

WordPress authoritative feature ranges from a user friendly template driven system, workflow area, category allocation and more. With that said, the most wonderful thing about WordPress is that users can execute plug-ins for their specified website functionality and needs.

WordPress plugins make modification and customization simple. It is a program that accommodates diverse specifications and requirements. Likewise, it is not difficult to actualize particularly for beginners or users who are unfamiliar with web design codes such as html and php.

Here are the top 6 recommended WordPress plugins that are free to download and essential for your new blog site:

Akismet - This plugin is very beneficial to control and fight spam on your blog site. Spammers who leave comments and links to promote their sites are often offensive. Truly, a time - conserving plugin. A must for all blog sites.

All in One SEO Pack - It is one of the most commonly used plugins among SEO practitioners. Its fundamental function is to turn your posts and pages to be more search engine friendly so that you can rank higher on search results that are appropriate to your content posted. To increase traffic to website, this plugin is utilized by blog and website owners.

XML Sitemaps - This plugin automatically generates XML sitemaps for your website and gives notification to search engines when they are updated. The main purpose is to make your blog posts more search engines friendly so that they can be easily crawled and indexed, thus enabling people to find them on major search engines.

Broken Link Checker - This practical plugin can administer checking of outgoing links. It also eliminates dead links. Dead links are listed out because it will negatively have an effect on the website's search engine ranking.
Website Content Audit Checklist
Website Content Audit Checklist
What Are The Tools Used In Auditing
Plugins can make your life so much easier when it comes to running your own blog. You can keep a check on spasm and broken lings. You can also place ads that help you make money through these plugins. WordPress plugins provide you with easy solutions. You do not need to be an expert to use them either. In this article, you will be briefed about some of the plugins that can come in handy for you.

In order to make money from your information blogs, use Kontera, Chitika and Google Adsense.

Spam can be such a hassle. In order to control them, use Akismet plugin. It checks the comments for spams and catches them. It usually deletes those comments after 15 days of storages.

StatPress gives you a statistical overview of your blog. Your viewers can also easily get in touch with you using Contact Form 7 if they have any questions.

Broken links can be such a big put off. They are annoying. You can employ Broken Link Checker to check for these. This is an easy way to ensure that your viewers do not end up on an error page.

Nothing is worse then losing your data. Therefore, back up your files. You can accomplish this by WP-DBManager for your WordPress. It performs the task of backing up everyday. This can be really beneficial because blogs receive new information everyday.

There are plenty of other options available as well. Some will really enhance you blog. Make your choice smartly, and do not go for plugins that might interrupt the functioning of other more important blogs. SEO Pack and Pretty Links serve many purposes. You can use them to improve your blog.
Tools For Website Audit
The first thing that people ask me when they are thinking about developing a website/blog for their company/business is "How do I get my website/blog to display on the first page of Google's search engine?" Unfortunately there are no easy answers to this. To have a well ranked website is hard work and it takes time. You still need to market your website and let visitors know that your business is available on the World Wide Web.
Are SEO Website Audit Tools
Are SEO Website Audit Tools
What Is SEO Checker
If you're a search engine optimization professional, you know how important SEO tools are to your day-to-day optimization efforts. Keyword suggestion tools, inbound link analysis software and SERP checkers are vital to keyword research, keyword expansion, link building and monitoring your site's positional changes in the search results.

The good news is that search marketers need not pay for these tools because there are a number of very effective free SEO tools on the Web to choose from. Here's my list of the five free SEO tools that I use every day. Hopefully, you'll find some tools on the list to add to your tool arsenal.

SEO for Firefox - This free tool is a plug-in for Firefox from SEO Book. It integrates seamlessly with the Google SERPs for tremendous insight into search engine optimization metrics like toolbar PageRank, Twitter mentions and how many domain and deep page links my site has acquired. SEO for Firefox also shows which links are
ofollow on a web page (highlighted in red), which is a real time saver for link building and link analysis. Other cool features include number of social bookmarks, Alexa rank, cache date and Wikipedia citations.

Majestic SEO - If you're building links, this is an invaluable search engine optimization tool for measuring link acquisition. A great feature is the daily update, which gives you a daily journal of all your new inbound links. Other cool of Majestic SEO are some slick tools for charting the growth of your site's link profile with a host of different cool visuals.

Rank Checker - If you're like me and you're obsessed with site rankings, then Rank Checker is a must have search tool. SEO Book's Rank Checker gives you daily rank updates from Google, Yahoo and Bing simultaneously. You can export data into Excel and incorporate it into a keyword ranking report for your search engine marketing clients. Rank Checker also lets you add multiple keywords at once and save those keyword lists as individual presets, so you don't have to enter the same keywords repeatedly.

Yahoo Link Domain - I love using Yahoo Link Domain to analyze inbound links to my website. Yahoo Link Domain is also a useful for probing your competitor's link profiles to find link opportunities for your own websites. Also, if you're using the SEO for Firefox plugin, you can export Yahoo Link Domain results into Excel by clicking the @ link, then hit the CSV link to further drill down and examine your competitor's link profile.

Google Webmaster Tools - You can gain some valuable insights on vital performance metrics and your website's search results visibility with Google's Webmaster Tools. Features such as organic click-through-rates of your top 100 keywords and the ability to take inventory of all your internal links, really helps you fine-tune your organic search marketing efforts.
SEO Site Checkup Tools
SEO Site Checkup Tools
SEO Redirection Plugin
Broken Link Checker - This practical plugin can administer checking of outgoing links. It also eliminates dead links. Dead links are listed out because it will negatively have an effect on the website's search engine ranking.
How Much Is A Website Audit
Now that you have decided to start up your own blog, you need to know several important things before making a good beginning. You should know that purchasing your own domain name and hosting your blog on a paid server is crucial for your future success. No matter how important and valuable the information is in you blog, if your website url consists of your login name dot free blogging service name dot com then chances are your visitors will not treat your blog as serious enough.

After you've decided with the domain name and the hosting plan, next comes the blogging software which is not less important.

Here again, you are free to choose from the several blogging services but I definitely recommend WordPress. And not only me, if you search for the different peoples' opinions online, you'll surely see that the positive thoughts about WordPress prevail.

If you follow my advise and install WordPress then carry on reading this post. Because I'm going to talk about 10 important plugins for your WordPress blog that will definitely give you a good start. Just a quick note if you do not know what the WordPress plugin is. It is extra code written by the third parties and aimed for improving and enhancing your blog's functionality.

So, here come the list of my 10 recommended plugins. Make sure you install them as soon as you set up your WordPress blog.

1. AkismetThis is number one plugin for fighting SPAM in you blog comments. Almost every WordPress blog has Akismet installed and it proves to be effective. It constantly checks all your incoming comments and if there is SPAM then it simply gets filtered out. And you get the detailed report every time you go to your dashboard. Simple enough.

2. All in One SEO PackYou may probably know that SEO is very important for getting high ranks at the search engine and receiving quality traffic from the organic search results. All in One SEO Pack plugin does what the name says. It helps your blog SEO to be more search engine friendly with simple and easy set up. You do not need to know all the SEO tips and tricks.

3. Broken Link CheckerI find his plugin highly effective and important as it continuously checks all the links on your blog posts and if it finds a broken url, you get the report on you dashboard. This plugin checks not only the links to the websites, but also the images, video etc which are not hosted on your blog. This is quite effective if you use lots of images from the internet and suddenly one or two of them get removed from the hosted server.

4. FeedBurner FeedSmithThis plugin is quite simple and all that it does is forwarding your blog's original RSS feed to the feed burned by the FeedBurner. If you switch to FeedBurner as your feeder then this plugin is definitely for you.

5. Follow MePersonally I use this plugin as it is a powerful tool for branding yourself on the social networks. This plugin allows you to put your links for the popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, IMFaceplate etc. and places a fancy Follow me button either on the left or right side of you blog. When a visitor clicks on that button a small window pops up with all the buttons to your profile on the social networks. Give it a try as I find it quite valuable plugin for my blog.

6. Google XML SitemapsThis plugin also deals with the SEO of your blog. It automatically creates XML Sitemap of your blog structure and submits it to the popular search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. This is very important for ranking up high in the mentioned search engines.

7. IntenseDebateInstalling this plugin is totally up to you though I highly recommend implementing it on you blog. It handles all the comments in a professional way enabling the visitors to login, leave comments, rank other comments. It also has the functionality to add different plugins such as AddtoAny or SpellCheck.

8. SexyBookmarksNow, the title of this plugin may look a bit awkward, but in fact, this is one of the best sharing plugins. You get the configurable buttons for the social bookmarking on you blog. I highly recommend installing this plugin.

9. Top Commentators WidgetThis highly effective plugin helps to increase the number of comments to your blog posts. It places the widget with the top commentators on your sidebar motivating your visitors to leave the comments.

10. W3 Total CacheLast and one of the most important plugins is W3 Total Cache plugin. This is very powerful tool packed up with lots of functions to help you speed up your blog loading speed. Among the features are HTML, css, JavaScript optimizer, cache organizer etc.
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