Parental Satisfaction Feedback Form 2018-2019
Dear Parents,
L.A.D. College for Women, Nagpur which is affiliated to RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur strives to provide education as per the changing needs of society and students. Parents are important stakeholders of education, therefore their satisfaction is important to us. Parents are requested to give their feedback on the following features/facilities college is providing to their ward.
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Parent’s Name
Ward’s Name
Please select the relevant options to express your opinion.
Very Good
1. Provision of career oriented programmes (For eg. Courses, syallbus etc.)
2. System of monitoring student’s progress. (For eg. Regular examinations, mentoring etc.)
3. Competence of teachers (For eg. Knowledge of subject taught etc.)
4. Commitment of teachers (For eg. Completion of course, giving additional guidance)
5. College is sensitive to community needs and extension programmes (For eg. NSS, NCC, Sewa, SQAC etc)
6. Infrastructural facilities
7. Learning resources such as library, Internet, computer etc.
8. Support services (For eg. Canteen, Student activity center, Career Counseling cell, Recreation room, Sports etc.)
9. Institutional sensitivity to changing educational, social and market demands (For Eg. spoken English, Foreign Languages Courses, Personality Development Programmes, Career Oriented Programmes, Workshops etc)
10. Value added education (For eg. Cultural Programs, intercollegiate and intercollegiate programs)
11. Security arrangements
12. Parent Teacher Communication.
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