Student Registration Form
Book Fees is $20. After you submit the form, we will contact you for an assessment test appointment.

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Email *
Class Selection *
Untitled Title
Student Information *
Previous ESL Class Level
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Address *
City *
State *
County *
Zip *
Cell phone # *
Marital Status *
Are you a US Citizen? *
Native Language *
What country are you originally from? *
Profession or job in your native country *
English Proficiency *
Ethnicity and Race *
Education *
Employment Status *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Cell Phone # *
Emergency Contact Relationship to you *
How did you find out about the program? *
In consideration of my participation in the program and any other activities in Fort Bend Care Center including any activities conducted during early arrivals and extended departures (Collectively, the “Activities”), I agree to assume any and all risks in injury or death arising from/or relating to the Activities and waive and release any and all actions, claims, suits or demands of any kind against Fort Bend Care Center (Care Center), Fort Bend Community Church (the Church) , their affiliates, officers, governing council, staff, agents, sponsors, volunteers or representatives of any kind arising from /or relating in any way to my voluntary participation in the Activities.

I agree to indemnify Care Center, the Church, their affiliates, officers, governing council, staff, agents, sponsors, volunteers or representatives of any kind in the event of any loss, damage or claim arising from /or relating in any way to my voluntary participation in any of the Activities whether caused by the negligence of Care Center, the Church or otherwise.

I hereby consent to and authorize Care Center to use and reproduce any photographs and/or video taken of me as needed in printed, web media and public material.

Do you agree to the above statement? *
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