Mormon Stories Participant Application
BEFORE YOU BEGIN FILLING THIS OUT: You will be asked below to provide a link to either: 1) a 2 minute video introducing yourself to us, or 2) a link to an existing video that will give us a good sense for who you are and why you might be a good fit for Mormon Stories Podcast.  Please have that video/link ready BEFORE you begin filling this form out.  Feel free to review the questions below before recording or selecting that video.
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Email *
Name *
Mobile Phone Number *
Current City/State/Country of Residence *
Primary location you were raised as a Mormon (City/State/Country)
Do you live near SLC, or are you able to travel to SLC with a bit of notice? *
Church Activity Status *
If you have had a faith crisis, approximately what year did your faith crisis begin?  (i.e. When did it get serious?) *
What type of episode are you appying for?
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Please list a few key themes you would want to explore in your episode. *
If you are applying for a specific panel episode, which one(s) are you applying for?
Are there any other panels you think we should consider?
Please share one story or insight you are wanting to share with us. *
Please check any past callings/jobs you have had.
How has Mormon Stories Podcast helped you?  Please include some MS episodes that have been most influential to you. *
Please upload to the platform of your choice a 3 minute video introducing yourself to us, SPECIFICALLY DISCUSSING THE MAIN THEMES AND A FEW OF THE STORIES YOU WOULD WANT TO SHARE.  Paste the link to the video below. (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Dropbox, Google Drive) . 

NOTE: If you share through Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud, please make sure that both and are given access to view the files!!!

Facebook Profile Link (If applicable)
Instagram Profile Link  (If applicable)
TikTok Profile Link  (If applicable)
YouTube Profile Link (If applicable)
Any feedback for Mormon Stories / John / Margi?
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