The Duke of Edinburgh Award - BRONZE
Please complete this form to enrol in The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme - Bronze Award. Before completing please make sure you have read the Programme ideas for Skill, Volunteering and Physical.  They can also be found on the TKASA DofE website page.
E-mail *
DofE Participant Enrolment Form - BRONZE LEVEL
D of E Level *
Participant First Name *
Participant Last Name *
School Year *
Year 9
Year 10
School Year
SKILL section - please indicate which Skill section you intend to do for the Award.  Click here to view the list of Skill Programme Ideas. Please tick one box. *
SKILL SECTION please give a brief description of what you intend to do for the skill section *
VOLUNTEERING section - please indicate which volunteering section you intend to do for the Award.  Click here to view the list of Volunteering Programme Ideas. Please tick one box. *
VOLUNTEERING SECTION please give a brief description of what you intend to do for the volunteering section *
PHYSICAL section - please indicate which physical section you intend to do for the Award.  Click here to view the list of Physical Programme Ideas. Please tick one box. *
PHYSICAL SECTION please give a brief description of what you intend to do for the physical section *
When you first sign in to eDofE you will be asked to record some personal details such as your contact details, ethnicity and personal circumstances along with details of any medical needs you may have. This data is used to enable your Leaders to support you doing your DofE programme and for the DofE’s statistical and reporting purposes. You will always have a ‘prefer not to say’ option. *
Declaration: I agree to enrol as a participant on a DofE programme.  I understand that I will be managing my programme using the online eDofE system.  I acknowledge that this system has a set of terms and conditions that I agree to.  These terms and conditions are available at *
Name of Parent/Guardian giving consent *
Email of Parent/Guardian giving consent *
Consent to enrol from parent or guardian (if applicant is under 18 years old). I agree to my child/ward doing a DofE programme. I note that it is my responsibility to check that any activity my child / ward undertakes for their DofE programme is appropriately managed and insured, unless the activity is directly managed or organised by their DofE group, centre or Licensed Organisation. *
Payment for the Bronze Award.  The non refundable deposit of £50 must be paid in full via the school online payment system Weduc before the Award can be allocated to you. The remaining cost must be paid in full before the start of the expeditions. Financial assistance may be available via the Somerset DofE Bursary Scheme – more information can be found on the TKASA DofE web page.   *
Note:Data supplied on this form and in eDofE and information about DofE activities recorded in eDofE will be used by the DofE Charity, the Licensed Organisation and DofE centre to monitor and manage DofE participation and progress by young people and manage and support Leaders.  The DofE Charity will use personal data to communicate useful and relevant information to either help participants complete a DofE programme, Leaders/LOs to run DofE programmes more effectively or help the DofE Charity to improve the quality and breadth of its programmes.  We also send emails that contain information about the Charity, DofE negotiated privileged discounts and invites to events and other activities however if you would like to receive these emails you will need to opt in. Once you have opted-in to this you can opt out at any time by visiting, or clicking the unsubscribe link that can be found at the bottom of all non-programme related email. *
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