At the Movies-
Read the story out loud!
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English name: *
Number: *
Class: *
1. What is this guy doing? *
1 point
Captionless Image
2. We should say excuse me... *
1 point
3. The story says it is a bad idea to... *
1 point
4. Which is true? *
1 point
5. Which is NOT a good idea to do at the end of a good movie? *
1 point
6-13. Choose if the following things are Polite (有禮貌的) or Rude (不禮貌的) *
8 points
Polite :>)
Rude >:(
Cutting in line.
Walking in the hallway.
Saying excuse me
Talking during the movie.
Putting your feet on the seat in front of you.
Sitting still.
Laughing during funny parts.
Clapping at the end of a good movie.
14. Which is also not polite? *
1 point
15. The family in this picture is .... *
1 point
Captionless Image
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