2024 Winthrop R&B Festival Vendor Application

Details: Applications are now being accepted and will continue until June 1, 2024 unless we fill spots before. Vendors will be notified soon after if their application is approved. Applications will not be confirmed until all documents (i.e. proof of insurance) are received along with full payment.

How it Works:  

Read all the information below. If interested in becoming a vendor please submit your application by filling out this form. You will be contacted by the vendor coordinator as to the status of your application. If approved a link will be provided for payment due.

Note: spaces are measured in width (frontage selling space) x depth.

Booth or Trailer - Camping spot is included with booth fee.

CRAFTS (includes electricity on first come first serve basis)

10 X 20 -- $450 fee includes admission for 2 people

20 X 20 -- $650 fee includes admission for 2 people


20 X 20 -- $800 fee includes admission for 4 people

30 X 20 -- $1100 fee includes admission for 6 people

NOTE: Vendors are responsible for their own potable water after 8:00 pm Sunday night.

IMPORTANT: All health and food handlers’ permits MUST be secured BEFORE coming on site. No permits will be issued on site!! Permits need to be issued by Okanogan County. Please contact the County Health Dept. for permits necessary for the event: (509) 422-7140.

Electricity Fees: (FOOD VENDORS ONLY)

110 Volts -- $50 paid in advance.

220 Volts -- $100 paid in advance.

Availability of electricity is limited. It is available on a first come first serve basis. NOT ALL SPACES HAVE ELECTRICITY AVAILABLE. Most craft vendors will have a single 110 outlet available with individual draws not to exceed 3 amps. Vendors are responsible for their own cords and they must be minimum 12 gauge and grounded. 12-14 gauge grounded UL listed cords may be used for low watt lighting only at the Festival's discretion.

Garbage: All garbage must be removed and not left at booth space INCLUDING grease and liquid waste. Your site needs to be completely cleaned before you leave.  If not, you will not be able to return to the festival.

Location of all spaces will be predetermined, and not moved unless the needs of the Festival require it. Garbage/trash containers will be provided, as well as dumpsters. If cooking oil is used, vendors must remove it from the site following the Festival. Vendors will be responsible for keeping all trash receptacles in their area emptied as well as litter picked up within 20 feet of their booth and eating/sales area. Vehicles must be parked so as not to block road access.


Absolutely No Pets are allowed!!

Enforcement & Permits – Winthrop Music Association’s decisions are final. Vendor will comply with all laws and regulations. Vendor is responsible for obtaining necessary permits and licenses in order to operate and/or sell at this Event. All permits and licenses must be on display at the vendor’s booth space and will be verified by the Okanogan Health Inspector during the pre-festival inspection. 

Liability – Vendor covenants that it will protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Winthrop Music Association (Winthrop R&B Festival), sponsors, and volunteers against liability for lost, damaged, or stolen vendor property. All Vendors are required to carry a minimum of $1 million limit commercial general liability naming Winthrop Music Association as an additionally insured. Proof of insurance binder (certificate) must be furnished by the June 1st Deadline.  (see Insurance and Indemnification below)

All vending trailers/trucks must comply with Washington State's insurance requirements. All canopies must be properly secured from wind using weights or anchor (lines).  Anchor lines (if used) must be within the allotted booth space and not be a trip hazard to the public.

Vendor Tickets will not be mailed in advance. Vendors must provide employee name(s) in advance. Vendor personnel lists will be kept at the Front Gate Vendor Check-in.

Force Majeure – There will be no refunds for rain or other act, manmade or natural, beyond the control of WMA.

Festival Dates – July 19-21, 2024, Friday - Sunday. 

VENDOR SET UP -- Set-up begins NOON Thursday, July 18, 2024, tear-down by Monday, July 22, 2024. Sunday night teardown needs to be approved by Vendor Coordinator.

Note: Vendors must arrive no later than 6 pm Thursday; earlier the better. All vendors MUST be set up and ready for business by 12:00 PM Friday, July 19, 2024.

Beverage Sales – Vendors may bring their own non-alcoholic beverages to sell. For 2024, we will allow food vendors to sell bottled water.  Vendor price may not exceed $2 per bottle.

Vendor Booth, Trailer, Game & Activity – If requesting to use your own booth, tent, trailer, or applying to have a game or activity, provide one color photograph of the unit(s) in full set up and list the complete dimensions required. No tents, booths, tables or chairs provided by us.

***FOOD Vendors using an open flame in their booths must have a fire extinguisher -- 1 minimum with a rating of not less than 2-A 10 BC shall be provided.  Deep-fat fryers require an additional fire extinguisher with a K-rating with a 30ft travel distance.  Extinguishers must have proof of service within the last year tagged by a certified extinguisher company and must be located in the concession area in a visible place.

Cancellation: Vendors who choose to cancel will forfeit their space fee if they do not inform Winthrop R&B Festival by June 30, 2024. NO EXCEPTIONS

INSURANCE: Vendor agrees to maintain at all times during the term of this agreement the following insurance coverage:

1. Commercial General Liability with $1,000,000 per occurrence limits; to include contractual liability coverage.

2. Such insurance policy shall name “Winthrop Music Association” as an additional insured.

All insurance policies naming Winthrop Music Association (WMA) as an Additional Insured shall provide WMA with 30 days written notice of cancellation. Vendor shall furnish WMA with certificates evidencing above such coverage for WMA by the June 1, 2024 Vendor Application Deadline.  Certificates shall be delivered to:

Winthrop Music Association  • PO Box 1092 • Twisp, WA 98856

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I/We agree to all of the provisions and requirements and will comply with such without reservation. WMA shall in all cases act as sole arbiter.

Write name below to agree.

Company Name *
Contact Person *
Address *
Phone: *

Description of booth (size, shape, type etc.) Specify width (FRONTAGE SELLING SPACE) x depth of number of feet required.


 Description of product(s) to be sold:



10 x 20 -- $450 includes admission for 2 people 
20 x 20 -- $650 includes admission for 2 people



INDEMNIFICATION: Vendor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Winthrop Music Association (WMA), and its respective partners, agents, members and employees from and against any and all third-party claims for bodily injury and/or property damage arising from or in connection with any accident, injury or damage caused or alleged to be caused by Vendor, its agents, sub-agents or employees; together with all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred on, or in connection with each such claim, action or proceeding brought thereon, including without limitation all attorney fees and expenses at trial, and upon appeal. The foregoing indemnification shall survive the expiration or early termination of the agreement between WMA and Vendor.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Any person entering the premises waives all civil liability against the owner and operator for any injuries caused by the inherent risk associated with contracting COVID-19 at public gatherings.

Further, you hereby agree to release and hold harmless Winthrop Music Association dba Winthrop Rhythm & Blues Festival, the Town of Winthrop, the owners of the Blues Ranch, organizers, the artists, the venue, all vendors, and each of their respective members, partners, agents, managers, sponsors, employees, representatives, attorneys, affiliated entities, directors, owners, subsidiaries, and contractors (collectively the “Event Organizers”), from any and all claims of any kind, relating to such risks, hazards, dangers, actions, omissions, fault, and/or negligence.

At all times, you hereby agree to follow all safety protocols and requirements in place at this location, including executive orders, public health orders, and any other local ordinances and directives, as they pertain to social distancing, wearing an appropriate mask that covers the nose and mouth, and/or other similar measures while attending this festival.

I/We agree to all of the provisions and requirements and will comply with such without reservation. WMA shall in all cases act as sole arbiter.

By typing my name below I agree to abide by all Rules, Regulations, Requirements and to the Indemnification Wavier.

Date *
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