[REGISTRATION] Food Security, Social Safety Nets, and Social Protection
The second installment of the "Policy and Governance of Sustainable Food Systems" webinar series, entitled “Food Security, Social Safety Nets, and Social Protection”, will explore how complementary interventions of short-term social safety nets and long-term social protection programs contribute to the alleviation of hunger and the achievement of food security. This webinar seeks to review and analyze key concepts, existing policies, and current practices, and in the process, clarify directions for policy change on social protection that may best promote the development of resilient and sustainable food systems. 

Event details:
03 May 2023 (Wednesday)
via Zoom (to be sent via email)

For questions or concerns, please contact sdsnph@gmail.com.

*    *    *     *    *

About the webinar series: This webinar is part of the “Policy and Governance of Sustainable Food Systems” webinar series being organized by the SDG2 Zero Hunger Project of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, Ateneo de Davao University, and Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan. For more information about the series, visit the Save the Date for the series.

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e.g. Rizal
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