Stories for Spectrum's 50th Anniversary
Spectrum Youth & Family Services will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2020!

In honor of this milestone, we are collecting stories from those who have used Spectrum’s services, or family members or mentors of those who have used Spectrum’s services.

How will your story be used?
This collection of stories will be used throughout our anniversary year. We're publishing all stories at

Our goal is to share a story each week. We'll post the story to Instagram and Facebook, and share the link to the page. If you provide photos, we’ll share those as well.

IMPORTANT: We will get your written permission before using your story and you will be able to review and edit it before it is published.

What should you share?
You decide how much to share, and how you'd like to share. If you prefer to be anonymous or just use your first name, that is fine. Our hope is to have a collection of meaningful stories, inspirational moments, and turning points that will celebrate our 50 years of helping youth achieve their goals.

If you have any questions, please email Charlotte Steverson, Events Coordinator, at

Thank you for being a part of OUR story. We appreciate your support!

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