Sex Ed Story Collection
Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP) wants to hear your sex education story. Did you have sex ed in school? Was it abstinence only or evidence-based? Did it cover everything you wanted to know? Was it inclusive? Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be. Let's talk about sex (education experiences). By simply sharing your story you are advocating for improved, comprehensive, and inclusive sex ed. Thanks for sharing.

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May UHPP contact you? *
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What was your experience with sex education in school? Did this experience empower you to make informed decisions? Write as much as you feel comfortable sharing. *
In what city and state did you have this experience with sex ed? *
Was the school where you received this information public or private? *
Can UHPP share your story? *
If you answered yes, would you like us to use
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Are you interested in directly sharing your story with legislators or the public? *
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