Cornhole Tournament Sign Up
We're having a cornhole tournament! Come show your cornhole skills at the Greater Crestwood Party in the Park, August 10th, at Crestwood Park. Arrive by 3:30pm for our tournament kick off at 4pm. We're playing double elimination meaning you get at least two games guaranteed (a chance for redemption!).

-A bundle of gift cards and gifts from Birmingham local businesses!
-The joy of knowing you supported community building in Crestwood
-The pride of being the Cornhole CHAMPION of Crestwood

Single player - $25
Two players (team) - $40
All entry fees should be paid on PayPal to @GreaterCrestwoodInc.

If you have any questions, email us at

We look forward to seeing you August 10th!
Email *
Team Name (if registering two players)
Player 1 Name *
Player 1 Phone Number *
Player 1 Email *
Player 2 Name
Player 2 Phone Number
Player 2 Email
How good are you at cornhole? *
This question is just for fun, no teams will be matched based on your answer!
This is my first time or I play like it might as well be
I am a pro, might even bring my own bags, watch out Crestwood!
Greater Crestwood is moving and shaking all thanks to your support here and at previous events. Here's some of the things we've been working on thanks to you:

- Party in the Park
- Crestwood Easter Egg Hunt (we hid over 1,000 eggs!)
- Meet Your Neighbor socials
- Neighborhood Clean Ups
- Installing Swings in Crestwood Park
- Crestfest!
- Reopening the Crestwood Tunnel
- Yard Sale day

As always, if there anything you'd like to see happen in Crestwood, let us know about it!
Last step, you ready?
To confirm your place on the tournament roster, dues ($40 per team, $25 for individual registrants) must be received via PayPal at @GreaterCrestwoodInc. If you have any issues or questions, email us at We'll see you there!
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