Parker & Co Boutique Brand Ambassador Application
Hi there! I am so glad you are thinking about being a brand ambassador for Parker & Co Boutique!

Here's how it works:
1. Our Brand Ambassador program is always open and we review new applications at the beginning of every month.
2. Upon approval we will set you up for a 3 month Brand Ambassador commitment with the option to renew for additional 3 month increments based on performance.
3. We will send you a discount code just for you to get 30% off everything on our website. 
2. We will create a special 15% off discount code for you to share with your followers. Each of your followers can use this discount code for a maximum of 3 purchases total.
3. We will track your code usage and after we receive 3 orders using your 15% off discount code, we will send you a free item for the next collaboration.

Your commitment:  
1. Post on your social media a minimum of once per week promoting our brand and your follower discount code. You are welcome to use our website pics and also take your own pics once you have Parker & Co items. 
2. When you receive a free item or item you have purchased using your discount, take photos, post on your social media and tag us in your posts.  
3. Share your 15% off discount code with your followers and every time we have 3 sales from you using your discount code, we will send you another free item.
4. Allow us to use your photos in our marketing and on our social media.

If you'd like to apply, fill out this form and we will review your application. 

💙 All ages and sizes allowed. You do not have to have a certain amount of followers. Just be someone who loves fashion and knows how to share it with others!

Email *
Full Name *
Email *
Instagram Handle *
Are you currently a Parker & Co Boutique customer? *
What state do you live in? *
Why do you want to be a Parker & Co Boutique brand ambassador? *
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