Diamonds of the Gambling God Sign Up
Diamonds of the Gambling God is a multi day D&D adventure, played over two sessions, one on Friday, and one on Saturday of FursonaCon 2024! Use this form to express interest in participating in this Beast World Adventure, brought to you and Dungeon Mastered by Heartleaf Games. New players and seasoned players are both welcome, as there will be multiple pre-made character sheets available to choose from if building a character from scratch seems too daunting! Meet new people, participate in convention activities, and earn rewards in this fun meta campaign!

Please use the email you used when signing up for FursonaCon Registration. 
Email *
Player Name. (Your name you would like us to know you by.)
Have you ever played D&D before? (Don't worry if you haven't, we have many friends here to help you start!)  *
What type of D&D character will you play?  *
Have you played in the Beast World Setting?  *
Do you have other people you would like to play with in the sessions?  *
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