We Support Safe Streets for All Petalumans
SUMMARY: By signing this petition, you join a growing list of families, seniors, teachers, youth, and business owners who are asking the City of Petaluma to make the **Safe Streets Petaluma’s ten-point Policy Platform**  a top priority. You can also opt in to our mailing list below. 

This is not a new idea. Goal #5 in the City’s award-winning General Plan 2025 reads, “...create a safe, comprehensive and integrated bicycle and pedestrian system throughout Petaluma that encourages bicycling and walking and is accessible to all.” It was adopted 14 years ago.

Safe Streets Petaluma puts active transportation at least on a par with motorized transportation. It’s streets for people, whether they are in cars, on bikes, in wheelchairs, on scooters, or on foot. And so on.

CLIMATE: In January of 2021 City Council endorsed a Climate Emergency Framework that has a goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. The transportation sector is responsible for 60% of all activity-based greenhouse gas emissions in Sonoma County. With the implementation of a safe, active transportation network we can rapidly reduce the heat-trapping gasses that are the primary cause of the climate crisis.

EQUITY: Safe Streets Petaluma makes it possible for people of all ages and abilities to get around without a car. It is the one safety, equity, and climate solution that benefits all members of our community, is within local control, immediately actionable, and highly visible to all. Safe Streets Petaluma continues our community’s tradition of leadership in protecting and enhancing the quality of life for our citizens.

Please send this link to 5 of your friends, to help spread the word.

Thanks so much!
Safe Streets Petaluma
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