Our Parish needs you! Our faith community is growing, and it’s because of dedicated people like you. We have a lot more to do. Can you volunteer? 
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Where do you feel Christ is calling you to serve?
You can select as many options as you'd like.
Adult Choir (Practice is every Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Practice location varies. Choir sings at alternating worship sites services every Sunday. No experience needed.)
Eucharistic Minister (As our weekend liturgies increase in attendance, so will our need for extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. Training is required for this position.)
Minister of Care to the Sick and Homebound (Like the Eucharistic Minister, this ministry requires training. Help bring Christ to those who cannot attend Mass.)
Lector (The readings at Mass are the Word of God. Help speak those words to those ready to listen. Training for this ministry will be provided through the Archdiocese or in the parish setting.)
Parish Events (What to help out at events throughout the year like Family Fest, or help us set up for picnics or other events? We could use your help!)
Usher/Hospitality (Like Greeters, Ushers will help parishioners at Mass. They will also help with the collection baskets, direct those with special requests and other requests during the Mass that require discretion.)
Youth Ministry (What to help the next generation of disciples? Sign-up to be a Youth Ministry Facilitator.
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