Water Policy + Innovation Summit '17 Follow-Up Survey
Thank you for attending the Water Policy + Innovation Summit. We can't thank you enough for coming and sharing your time and knowledge in support of innovative policy ideas leading to the broader deployment of water data technologies.
We didn't get to hear from everyone during the workshop sessions, but we want to now. Please leave feedback and comments below for the teams as they move forward with their policy ideas.
Ideas for feedback:
- Identify a barrier, stakeholder, or key question (and a suggested answer if possible)
- Other groups or organizations working in the space / potential collaborators
- Ideas for funding sources: government grants, foundations, private capital, etc
- Suggest an alternative value proposition
- Ways to improve the implementation plan
Want to get involved in a specific initiative? Include your contact info in that box.
- Tell us what you learned, what struck you, what was most interesting to you
- What can we do better next year?
- Anything and everything you'd like to share