HCS Cadet Testing, PRB, SDA, Speech, Oath Sign Up
Cadets must sign up for the desired item no later than the THURSDAY, prior to the Monday meeting you would like to do your requested item. NO EXCEPTIONS. Cadets should not plan to do all their testing or requirements on one night. It should be spread out over the 2 months for required time in grade or longer. This is due to time required for the cadet and planning for staff purposes.

Ex: If you need to drill test and Monday, June 11th is a Drill night, you must request the desired Drill Achievement by Thursday, June 7th or you will not be able to drill test that Monday.

- PRBs - Will likely be granted assuming we have enough staff to support doing a PRB and have time, due to potential special guests, activities, etc.

- Speech's and Oral Presentations - Will likely be granted assuming we have time, due to potential special guests, activities, etc.

- Proctored Test - Must be done prior to CAP meetings (5:45p - 6:30p) or during PT night. Proctored Tests will likely be granted assuming we have senior members that can be there by 5:45p that night. Usually not an issue.

FYI, Typical Schedule for our squadron for requesting testing, drill, etc.

1st Monday of the Month - PT (Physical Training) Testing only (Do not need to request testing, everyone is tested).
2nd Monday of the Month - Emergency Services, Leadership, Drill
3rd Monday of the Month - Character Development, Aerospace/Aviation, Drill
4th Monday of the Month - Emergency Services, Aerospace/STEM, Drill
5th Monday of the Month (when there is one) – Something fun, generally taken from cadet ideas (May or may not be at the squadron for testing)
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Last Name *
Cadet's Last Name
First Name *
Cadet's First Name
Cadet Current Rank *
Item being requested *
** Drill Test being Requested - Required if requesting a drill test
NOTE: Wright Brothers Drill test can be requested the same day as taking the Leadership test, but you must pass the Leadership test to take the drill test. ____________________________________________________________________________________ *** If you are a Senior Airman, you are requesting to take the Wright Brothers award NOT Achievement 3 (You are already passed Achievement 3, nor are you taking Achievement 4 as there is a Milestone Drill test you need to take.) You should be requesting the next rank, not your current rank.
Date requesting to do item *
If you are requesting multiple items (Ex: PRB and Drill), but they are on two different nights, enter a separate request for each item.
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