District 4 Meeting & Holiday Event 12/13 @ 11am
Join us in celebrating our 2023 accomplishments and engage in some holiday fun!   On Wednesday, December 13th, District 4 will host its final monthly meeting of 2023.  In the past, this meeting included a potluck lunch and white elephant gift exchange, so we're bringing it back!  This time we are hosting a potluck and drinking vessel exchange (think mugs, water bottles, wine glasses.... etc) ALL CPRS D4 members are welcomed to join us!

If you're planning to attend, please complete this form so that we can plan accordingly on our end.  Thanks so much and we hope to see you there!  

Location: Arrillaga Family Gymnasium, 501 Laurel St, Menlo Park, CA 94025
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I plan on contributing the following to the potluck: *
The white elephant drinking vessel gift exchange requires participants to bring a wrapped gift valued around $15-$20  (think mugs, water bottles, wine glasses.... etc).  Participants draw numbers and take turns selecting a random gift to open.  They may also have opportunities to steal other gifts in exchange for their own.  A sense of humor in gifting is also welcomed.  ;) Do you plan to participate in the gift exchange? *
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