ElixirConf EU Diversity Scheme 2019
We are pleased to announce that ElixirConf EU 2019 is implementing Diversity Scheme. The goal of the programme is to increase diversity of attendees and offer support to those in the tech community who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference.

Selection: A committee will review applications on individual basis. All committee members will sign a confidentiality agreement to protect the anonymity of applicants. We will do our best to meet as many applications as possible.

Award: Applicants will receive a conference registration ticket for 8 - 9 April 2019. Diversity Scheme does not cover the accomodation and travel.

Notification: All applicants will be notified via email with conference registration details.

Application: If you wish to apply for a Diversity Ticket, please fill in the form below. All application information will be kept confidential.

All conference and event attendees are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct.

If you have any questions, please contact barbara.trojecka@codesync.global.

About your data & privacy
Code Sync and ElixirConf care about your data and privacy. By submitting this form you agree that your data will be processed according to our privacy policy (https://codesync.global/page/6/). You can opt-out anytime from the emails you receive from Code Sync.
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Full Name *
Email *
Location *
Why is it important for you to attend ElixirCode EU? *
What is your tech/programming background?   *
Let us know why you should be rewarded a Diversity Ticket? *
You identify your gender as... *
If awarded a Diversity Ticket, can you commit to attending the conference? (8-9 April 2019)? *
How did you hear about the Scholarship? *
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