2023 Immanuel Nashville Women's Retreat Questionnaire 
Thank you for signing up for the 2023 Immanuel Nashville Women's Retreat! We are so excited to spend this time getting closer to God and to each other. Please answer the questions below so we can best serve you during our time together.

In case you missed it, check out our FAQ for the schedule, packing list, etc.
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What is your name? *
What is your email? *
What is your phone number? *
Who is your emergency contact? *
Please list their name and phone number.
How long have you attended Immanuel?  *
Which of the following most closely represents your neighborhood? *
What portions of the weekend will you be joining us? *
Check all that apply.
Are you a nursing mom that is interesting in staying the night? *
We want to make sure you have a cabin with a fridge and a microwave if you need to store or warm milk.
Would you benefit from special assistance in accessing camp facilities? *
While the Deer Run campus is beautiful, it is rugged and getting back-and-forth between the facilities will require a trail walk. We will have a golf cart available to assist those who need it.
Please indicate which dietary restrictions you may have, if any. Check all that apply.  *
From the camp: Deer Run cannot accommodate ALL allergies and dietary restrictions; and we cannot prevent, nor guarantee, a cross-contamination-free environment. Our food service team will make every effort to accommodate certain food allergies and dietary restrictions, but doing so is at the discretion of our food service director.
Please indicate if you have a cabin-buddy preference in the selection entitled "other". *
You can list up to three people (please list first and last names), and we will work to make sure you're paired with at least one of them.
Are you interested in being a cabin host?  *
Responsibilities include: arriving early Friday to help with check-in, facilitating introductions amongst cabin mates, encouraging timeliness to scheduled gatherings, and helping with checkout and cabin clean-up. More detailed information will be provided ahead of the retreat.
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