Consent Café Nov.21st
Join "In This Together", UFV's sexualized violence prevention program, for  an evening of creativity and coffee! Together we will craft beautiful blackout poetry, and have the opportunity to share with each other our creations. No experience required! Come prepared to chat all things consent, body positivity, and human sexuality!

What is blackout poetry?

Blackout poetry has been popularized in the recent years by a struggling American writer, Austin Kleon, who decided to create new pieces of work out of newspaper.  This form of art encourages people to create poems by selecting words from ‘ordinary’ text, such as newspaper, books, articles. Like any other creative project does, blackout poetry allows you to discover more about yourself and the themes for the evening: sex, consent and body positivity!

If you’ve never tried it before this event is a great place to start! No experience required and all of the supplies will be provided. We also have prizes to give away for lucky guests. Can’t wait to see all of you there!

Please RSVP by Nov.18th, 2022 so that we can ensure enough seats and treats for everyone. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email 
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