Apply Below to Receive Your Gator Grant
MGMS PTO is offering Gator Grants* of up to $250.00 per academic school year for MGMS faculty.  Money from this grant must be used for the purpose of paying for classroom needs, club materials, booster/club field trip assistance, and/or any other educational-specific needs. 

 Staff members are only eligible to receive a grant once per academic school year.

Grant Application Deadline is April 1, 2025

Grant application submissions will be voted upon by the PTO board within 30 days of submission and must be approved by Dr. Collins. Please plan to attend the PTO Board Meeting following your grant application submission, so you are available for discussion before a decision is made. This is required for your grant to be considered, and not attending will delay approval.

*In order to be eligible, the requestor must be a paid member of the MGMS PTOGrants must be submitted electronically, prior to April 1.  

Questions About Gator Grants?
Please contact:
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Email *
Date of Request: *
Requested by: *
Department/Grade: *
Amount Requested: *
Do you need Gator Grant by a certain date?  If so, when? *
Describe how this grant will be used within your classroom or school-sponsored club. Include as much information as possible and weblinks, if applicable. *
Are you a paid PTO member for the current school year? *
I will be attending THIS PTO Board Meeting to discuss my Gator Grant:
Meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the Library
Have you ever received a Gator Grant in the past?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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