经典课文,高效识字,文化沉浸,阅读强化,学而时习之……东湖学堂由三位具有深厚专业背景和丰富本土经验的妈妈们创办,希望为周边社区的孩子们建立一个学习中文的精神家园,带领孩子们一起探寻中文之美和文化血脉。学堂秉承文化兼容,本立道生,公益社区的办学理念,精心研发课程,立足经典,寓教于乐,以文化人。学堂组织学员们参加社区节日汇演和老人院义演,举办幼儿故事会等一系列公益性的社区活动, 积极营造喜闻乐见的中文环境和社区互助的学习氛围。
Eastlake Education is started by a group
of professional educators and loving mothers. With a sincere love of children, a profound
passion for education and a determination for teaching the language and the
culture, Eastlake Education provide Mandarin Chinese Tutoring class to
children, as well as adults. They will lead learners to explore the beauty of Chinese language,
literature and culture together.
Eastlake Education has its own textbooks
compiled to specially suit the oversea student’s interests and learning style. Eastlake
Education also host a series of free community activities such as Children’s
story-telling on weekends, the charity concert for seniors , the children’s performance for Community Christmas Concert and Spring
Festival Community Gala. Eastlake Education
wish to establish an enjoyable language learning environment for learners to
benefit the multicultural community.
级别中文课程单价:$28(不含税),书本资料费一学期$30, 一学年$60。2024-2025年度周一班全年36次(上半学期18次);周二班全年37次(上半学期17次);周三班全年38次(上半学期18次);周六班全年37次(上半学期18次)。两门课程以上95折优惠。其它特色课程请咨询。新课程持续推出。学费分现金,支票和Etransfer三种方式缴纳,etransfer 邮箱为
donghuxuetang@gmail.com Way of Contact:
Address: 1541 Oakhill Drive, Oakville.
Website: www.eleducation.ca
Email: donghuxuetang@gmail.com