nOMad Guide Partnerships
Thank you for your interest in partnering with nOMad to grow our community and promote your next retreat(s).

We are excited to be offering yet another opportunity for the leaders to come together and share their gifts as we co-create a new paradigm.

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you promptly via email about next steps.

If you have questions please contact Phoebe at
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Name (please write your name out as you would like it to appear in all promo and messaging material): *
Email: *
Bio (this may be used in promo materials): *
How are you a leader in your world, community, field? *
Do you have an upcoming retreat/global event scheduled in 2024/2025?
If yes, when?
If yes, when, where is it located and what is the theme?
Did you ever struggle as a retreat leader? Please explain briefly. (This can be energetic blocks or business skills you might not have yet) *
What is your expertise? 
Who are the people that engage with you most?
What size is your mailing list?
Are you willing to share details about the virtual retreat with your mailing list & social media following? *
Name & Description of Your Virtual Session for our Event (if applying for global retreat event)
Do you have a Free Gift for our audience to receive? If so, share below. *
Website: *
Instagram Handle(s) (please include all accounts you would like tagged in promotions): *
Anything else you want to share with our team?
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