Escape Mania Feedback Form (Game Testing)
Escape Mania is a game which will take the player who is stuck in a mysterious game world to do missions and find the keys to unlock the door to the outside world.  

Title                       : Escape Mania
Genre                    : Action-adventure
Target Audience  : Teenagers to adult (no need professional skills)

We would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve your experience!
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Do you find Escape Mania interesting? *
So boring...
It's fun!!
What part of the game did you find boring?
What part of the game did you find interesting?
Is the game difficulty appropriate? *
too hard
very easy
Should the difficulty be changed?
Was the goal of this game clear? *
Did the missions and information screens were easy to understand / helpful? *
Were the controls intuitive? *
if not, how would you change the controls?
Did you manage to use the tools/power ups in the inventory? *
Do you find the tools/power ups useful? *
Did you find any bugs during the game? if yes, please list any bugs you've found:) *
Are there any suggestion for the game? (it can be anything, for ex: visual, obstacles, movement, etc) *
Do you think Escape Mania is appropriate for its target audience? (teenager to adult)
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If this game was available for purchase, would you buy this game?
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if you were to price this game, how much would you price it at? *
Overall, this game was...
still lack many things-.-
incredibly amazing!!
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