A Book on Growing as a Software Engineer
I (Gergely) am starting to write a book on software engineering. A book that can be a resource for those who want grow as software engineers, working at tech companies and fast moving startups. The type of book I wish I had, when I was a few years into my career, to look for guidance and grow faster as a result. A book that covers not only the "hard" parts of engineering like coding and engineering best practices , but the increasingly important soft skills like communication and mentorship. If you've not come across it, you can get a sense of my writing on my blog, http://pragmaticengineer.com.

I'd love to hear your raw thoughts on 7 questions, all revolving around your experience on software engineering. Feel free to fill out as few questions as you're comfortable with or answer all of them. Your thoughts will help me narrow down what the book will be about, validate some of my ideas and give me some new ones.

Raw thoughts are welcome, as they pop in your head. If there are questions you don't have answers to, or would skip answering, feel free to leave them blank. And if you're interested to hear about how writing the book will go, please mark that in the bottom and I'll add you to future updates (no more than one update every few months and you'll always be able to opt out).

Thanks a lot for your thoughtful input!

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1. What do you find the most difficult parts about being a software engineer? The toughest problems? Why?
2. What is feedback that you have gotten from someone during your professional career that helped you grow significantly?
3. What was an "aha moment", when you really leveled up as a developer? A key thing you learned that gave you a boost.
4. What is something you wished you wished you learned earlier? Things that would have made you a better engineer, one way or the other.
5. When you think of someone being a "great software engineer" or a "developer I look up to", what are traits that you see?
6. What are the best books/blogs you've read on software engineering? What do you like about them?
7. If a book on software engineering had the headline "The definite guide for growth for software engineers, from startups to cutting-edge tech companies", what topics would you expect it to cover?
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