Emory Arts Classifieds
Welcome to Arts Classifieds, the Stipe Scholars sponsored platform designed to help Emory artists collaborate across disciplines. This form allows us to connect you to other Emory artists to foster synergy between our many arts departments.

By completing this form, you are agreeing to add your name and contact information to a spreadsheet accessible by the Emory community.

To access the platform, click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BwrPy3MGznJY3GxG8i3ZmG458PM4qNNqSoj4PLrFBUM/edit?usp=sharing
Name *
Email *
Year *
Enter your discipline (E.g. Theater, Visual Arts, Music, etc. or non traditional art form e.g. podcaster) *
What is your personal medium? (E.g. Film, painting, instrument type) *
Share your social media profiles!
Are you working on a project for which you need collaborators? Please give a brief description.
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