EPIC Registration
Everything Possible IChrist
This motto is at the heart of our Youth Ministry Program.

St. Gregory's EPIC programming is focused on bringing together our middle aged school students to grow in faith, fellowship, and love of God.

All 4th-8th graders are welcome, even those not members of St. Gregory's Parish.  

EPIC will be in the gym 9:15 to 10:45am on the Sundays listed below.  Each Youth Group meeting usually includes snacks/breakfast, a game or activity, and Bible study. 

Please note:  Current 8th/9th graders will continue Confirmation lessons until October 13 during this time.
Current 6th/7th graders will begin Confirmation lessons in January during this time.

Meeting Dates
  • August 25
  • September 8, 22*
  • October 6, 20*
  • November 3, 17*
  • December 1, 15*
  • January 12
  • February 9, 23*
  • March 2, 16*, 23
  • April 6, 13
* = Youth Mass (students can, and are encouraged, to participate in Mass roles at the 11am Mass)
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Email *
Name of Child *
Grade this Fall *
Does your child have any allergies or health concerns that we need to be made aware of?  If so, please explain. *
Parent's Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Name and phone number of an adult to reach in case of emergency in the event that you cannot be reached at the number above.
Name and phone number of an adult to reach in case of emergency in the event that you cannot be reached at the number above.
Emergency Contact's Name *
Emergency Contact's Phone Number *

Medical Authorization: I understand that the Catholic Arch/Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph assumes no responsibility for accidents which may occur in association with diocesan events and activities. I agree to use my/our personal insurance to cover any such incidents. I understand that, in the event medical intervention is needed, every attempt will be made to contact the persons listed above. In the event those individuals cannot be reached, I/We hereby give permission to the physician or any other qualified medical staff selected by the event leader to hospitalize, secure medical treatment, and/or order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for Participant as deemed necessary. 

Release of Liability for Youth and Adults: I understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by the Catholic Arch/Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph and its employees and agents during the events and activities. I understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Catholic Arch/Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph, its leaders, employees and volunteer staff from any and all claims arising from or in connection with attending this event. 

Code of Behavior for Youth and Adults: I agree to abide by and/or instruct my child to abide by all rules and regulations as outlined by the aforementioned chaperones/ representatives. I agree that if I/Participant fail(s) to abide in any way by the rules, that I/Participant can be dismissed from the event and sent home immediately at my/Participant’s expense with no right of reimbursement or refund for any amount in connection therewith from the Catholic Arch/Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph or its chaperones/ representatives.

Photo release:

I hereby authorize the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph and its agents to utilize photographic and/or video images of me or my child by the Catholic Arch/Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph and St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish. In giving my consent, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Catholic Arch/ Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph and St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish and its agents from any and all responsibility of liability. I understand that I will receive no compensation should any photograph and/or video of me or my child be used.

Parent agrees to authorization, releases, and code of behavior listed above.
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