Application. Immunology & Microbiology Teacher Training Program - Science Communication Workshop
Please complete this application form if you have a strong desire to acquire a range of valuable skills related to the principles of science communication. The 2024 workshop will take place on Wednesday April 3, 10, 17, and 24 from 4:00-5;30pm in RC1-North, Room 8108. 
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Your name and email address *
Date of application *
Role  *
Principal Investigator (PI) Name *
Does your PI support your application and participation in the I/M Teacher Training Program Science Communication Workshop? *
Sci Comm Participation Statement.
Please explain why you would like to participate in this workshop and how it will enhance your development as a scientist in 250 words or less.
PI Letter of Support. 
A signed and dated letter of support (LOS) from your thesis advisor(s) and/or PI to participate in the Teacher Training Program (TTP) Sci Comm Workshop should be emailed to Please use the email title 'TTP Letter of Support for X,' where X is your full name. 
Acknowledgement of commitment to workshop attendance. 
By selecting the only box offered below, you acknowledge that you will block the dates and times of the workshop on your calendar and agree to attend all 4 sessions for the full 1.5 hours. 
Exceptions can be made for health-related emergencies with proper notice and documentation. 
Announcement of Application. *
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