Become A Contributor at Aconite Cafe
To apply to join the Aconite Cafe review team fill out the form below.

Not all that apply will be accepted. We hold the right to reject any application for any reason.

What we are looking for:

- Avid fantasy reader - 1+ book a week readers,
- - - - (NOT main plot romance, if the plot doesn't work without the romance, it is a main plot romance.)
- - - - (NOT majority YA/Young Adult)
- - - - (NOT an author)

- Reads both Traditional & Indie Published books.

- Reads diversely, in book and author. (Not only outside of your comfort zone, but also in own voice reads, books by unknown authors and poc / lgbt authors & topics. Read diversely through all aspects on the term in regard to fantasy books.)

- Interested in claiming Review Requests that are often emailed to us. Able to have a 1 - 2 week turn around on reading ARCs.

- Write reviews on Amazon (a must), and other sites such as Bookbub, Goodreads, etc.

- Willing to join Discord, and post links to reviews in specified channel so they can be posted to the blog.

- Willing to announce their affiliation with Aconite Cafe via bio, side bar sticker, video description etc.

- Applicants can have their own book blog, bookstagram, brand.

- - - - - - - - - -

What we offer:

- We are looking for readers that want to join our community, and become a member of our tribe. If you are looking for a community, we want you!

- Each review post will link to your platforms.

- Free Fantasy books. Our Review Requests are not first come first serve. Any reviewer who wants to read it will receive a copy. Any book we publish will be available to the contributors before it's published.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Why would you like to become a contributor? *
How many books do you read a month & a year? *
Comment with some of your top reads that fits this qualification: Reads diversely, in book and author. *
Do you have a book review platform already? (bookstagram, blog, fb page, etc.) If so, please provide links. *
Where do you review books at? Please provide a link to your Amazon Profile, and any other reviewer profiles you have. * > Your Account > Ordering and shopping preferences > Your Amazon Profile
Please verify that you read the above requirements and agree to them. Especially that you do not read mostly romance or young adult: *
Discord is a vital aspect of being a contributor, join our server and join in on the conversation Comment with your username: *
At this time we are looking for fantasy readers that are not also authors, please verify that you are not an author. *
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