Tubbo Streamer Awards Campaign
Welcome to the Tubbo Streamer Awards Campaign Form!! We're so glad to have you and we hope you're ready to join us and help out streamer! Our goal is to get him more than 1 nomination and a win!! 

We are in need of a few different groups right now!! 

Most needed are artists!! As we are asking you to volunteer your time and skill we want to give you as much time as possible. We will need an infographic with all of the categories we are going for to accompany our main poster as well as a few smaller ones that will be posted as reminders leading up to nominations and voting closing! Even though we don't know when the categories will be released, I figured giving you all lots of time would better! 

Next are Alliance/Outreach coordinators!! You all will help manage our alliance's with other communities!! If you are apart of multiple diff communities ESPECIALLY in the mc space your help especially will be needed!! You'll also share little graphics and remind them to post about it in their community spaces to help spread the word!!! 

Finally are Clip gatherers!! You'll help find, post, and repost clips of streamer ESPCIALLY of the events that we want to get nominated!!
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What's your twitter? include @ ex @Gem_Drawz
Whats your Discord? ex gem_draws
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